a cross section showing the stages of Peyronie's Disease


What is Peyronie's Disease?

The first sign a patient has Peyronie's disease is their private parts bend in a different direction from normal when they are stimulated.  This is caused by the formation of plaque or scar tissue , stopping it from expanding in that area. As a result, it bends in the direction of the plaque or scar tissues, whilst the other side expands as normal.





an glum older man sitting up on a bed in the middle of the night with a woman asleep on the bed

Recognising Peyronie's Disease Symptoms and Overcoming Embarrassment

The curvature in your genitals can be upwards, downwards, to the side or occasionally around the circumference. A patient may also notice a physical lump or hardening of skin in the afflicted area. This is not always the case, and a consultant can detect the plaque at your consultation

Many men are too embarrassed to discuss problems with their private parts with a doctor, especially a female doctor, and allow their condition to progress further without treatment. The condition may get worse with time, leading to increased curvature as the plaque inside your manhood increases.


a man and a woman standing together in the dark


Understanding the Impact of Peyronie's Disease on Erectile Function and Sexual Intimacy

Another problem then arises as blood flow through the blood vessels decreases, leading to partial erectile dysfunction. Some (but not all patients) will also experience different levels of pain in their private parts. Sexual intercourse becomes much more difficult due to both the bend and a softening their manhood reducing both the girth and the length.





A Checklist of Peyronie's Symptoms

If you suffer from any of the following symptoms, you could be one of the 9% of men in the UK currently suffering from Peyronie's disease
(Induratio Penis Plastica) and should seek medical advice:



  • Bent or curved manhood in any direction
  • Decrease in girth and length
  • Pain upon  erections
  • Loss of sensitivity
  • Erectile Dysfunction

  • Bump, lump or hard section on side of private parts
  • Hard near the girth but much softer near the head
  • Unusual shapes including hourglass and indentation


The severity of a bent manhood depends on where the plaque is formed and its size and shape. Some patients may experience a slight or no bend, but suffer a greater degree of erectile dysfunction. 






a machine used for Extracorporeal Magneto Transduction therapy to treat Peyronie's Disease

Treating Peyronie's Disease

Before the availability of Extracorporeal Focused Shockwave Therapy, EMMT and Nanovi Technology, patients were often faced with a choice of dramatic invasive surgery. These included surgical implants, where the patient ceases to have a natural erection and relies on a manual pump, and plication where the unaffected areas of the penis are reduced in length to straighten  it. This could result in a loss of erectiion size of up to 2 inches.


an illustration showing a shockwave therapy device

Shockwave Therapy Treatment

Focused shockwave therapy was originally used to break up kidney stones - Now we use it to break up the plaque in the male genitalia. Following treatment, this straightens, blood vessels are reinvigorated, new blood vessels are developed and nerve tissue are stimulated.

Focused shockwave therapy has had a tremendous success rate and some patients who have been unable to have satisfactory intercourse for up to a decade have rediscovered their sex life within the space of a few weeks.

Shockwave Therapy


Mr. Almashan and Charles Turner, joint managing partners of MansMatters, outside of their Knightbridge clinic

Success Stories and Challenges in Peyronie's Disease Therapy

We have treated hundreds of men with Peyronie's Disease with our non-invasive treatment programme, and you can read some of their reviews on our Peyronie's Disease therapy Case Studies page and further handwritten copies when you visit our clinic.

Whilst the majority of patients experience immediate improvements after the initial programme of Peyronie's Disease therapy, it is a very stubborn condition and in some instances is resistant to all non-invasive treatments and non-surgical treatments.

More on our Treatments













Central London

32 Beauchamp Place, 


11 Upper Ham Rd, 
Richmond Upon Thames, 
TW10 5LD




MansMatters are specialists in non-invasive, nonsurgical procedures. We do not offer surgery but have professional relationships with leading surgical urologists and andrologists who undertake different types of Peyronie's disease surgery. If you would like to know more about surgical options, then please click here.

Surgical Procedures




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