a pensive man sitting on the edge of a bed with a woman laying in bed in the background

Peyronie's Disease and Psychosexual therapy

Psychosexual Therapy may not be necessary for all Peyronie's Disease (PD) patients, because some men and their partners will be able to manage their emotional needs and know how to address them on their own.

However, Psychosexual Therapy could certainly be helpful for the majority of men and couples.





a couple going through psychosexual therapy together?

Fostering Emotional Support in Peyronie's Disease

When dealing with PD both the patient's and his partner's doubts and emotions, including anxiety, fear, frustration, embarrassment and disgust need to be shared, dealt with and overcome.

If you've suddenly discovered a bend in your penis, it could be the onset of Peyronie's.


 a couple holding hands during a session of psychosexual therapy

Nurturing Interpersonal Communication and Restoring Intimacy

Further important steps in Psychosexual Therapy will be working toward improving interpersonal communications and restoring intimacy if this has been avoided. Then, when the patient is pain free, enriching sexual interaction. If PD has been caused by a coital episode the therapist may work with the couple to help overcome the trauma.

If a PD patient has elected to have surgery, therapy, is often required to deal with any post-treatment frustration, such as penile shortening or loss of penile sensation.

With Shockwave Therapy no invasive surgery is undertaken so penile shortening or loss of penile sensation will not be a problem.














32 Beauchamp Place, 


11 Upper Ham Rd, 
Richmond Upon Thames, 
TW10 5LD




MansMatters are specialists in non-invasive, nonsurgical procedures. We do not offer surgery but have professional relationships with leading surgical urologists and andrologists who undertake different types of Peyronie's disease surgery. If you would like to know more about surgical options, then please click here.

Surgical Procedures




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