Introducing the NanoVi
To have emough stimulationto have successful intercourse, a man needs a huge inflow of blood into his prvate parts. If you have an inadequate endothelial function this will result in the failure of the smooth muscle cells lining this area to relax and allow a satisfactory blood flow. Until fairly recently, the endothelium was considered to be a relatively inert cell layer. However, research has uncovered a surprising number of endothelial functions, most importantly at our clinic, those linked to Peyronie's Disease (PD).

Revitalise Your Sexual Health
This is why, to overcome PD and enjoy spontaneous intimacy once more, action must be taken so that you do not have to resort to taking ‘little blue pills'. While these will work well at first, many of our clients discover their effectiveness fades over time.
NanoVi® helps in the repair of cell damage and in the repair of DNA caused by lifestyle, age, and the types of food you eat.
It boosts your immune system, improves your energy levels, and slows the aging process, non-invasively and without using harmful chemicals while helping to repair the endothelial functions in your genitals as well as in the prostate area. We only use the NanoVi Exo® – illustrated here, as it is the most sophitcated version of the equipment available.
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NanoVi® Technology
The NanoVi® apparatus produces the same biological signals that your body uses to repair cell damage carried out by free radicals.
Free radicals, (Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), are volatile and extremely reactive molecules. They are produced by exposure to toxins, stress, and everyday life events and appear naturally in your body from cell metabolism and oxygen usage. To maintain health, your body needs to neutralise their negative impact effectively.
There are two types of ROS, one bad and good which instigates cell repair. The NanoVi® produces exactly the same instigation as good ROS, augmenting the ones the body makes naturally.
Our innovation is to generate the precise and measurable signal inside the NanoVi® device. The signal is transferred to humidity (absorbed) and the effect is delivered to you across humidified air which you inhale from the NanoVi® through a nasal cannula enabling the repair process described above to take place.
How Does NanoVi® Work?
At our clinic, we exclusively use the most powerful NanoVi Exo®. It creates a particular electromagnetic wave that is exactly the same wavelength as what the ‘good' ROS produces in your cells.
So that our clients overcome PD, we usually ask them to undertake sessions at the same time as their shockwave or EMTT sessions.
NanoVi® & Athletes
Performance athletes use and endorse the NanoVi®. It accelerates their recovery from injury and allows them to return to games and competition sooner. After they have recovered many continue to use it so that their level of good ROS is maintained, boosting their energy flows, and providing them with an edge over their competitors.
Since the NanoVi® is good for athletes, we believe it will be equally good for you.
MansMatters are specialists in non-invasive, nonsurgical procedures. We do not offer surgery but have professional relationships with leading surgical urologists and andrologists who undertake different types of Peyronie's disease surgery. If you would like to know more about surgical options, then please click here.
Surgical Procedures