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Peyronie's Disease & Plication

Are you suffering from Peyronie's Disease (PD) and been recommended to have surgery for plication or a similar procedure called the Nesbitt Technique? If so, you may be worried about going under the surgeon's knife.

But there is an alternative solution.





a man doing research on his laptop in a kitchen

Exploring Plication Surgery

If you elect for plication surgery you should discuss the implications of the surgery fully with your doctor, consultant, or surgeon before going ahead. It might also be sensible to discuss this with your partner.

The alternative to plication is Shockwave therapy. This avoids invasive surgery and stitch problems while reducing curvature or eliminating it, completely without any loss of male organ length and sensitivity.


a senior doctor talking with a patient about plication 

Understanding Plication Surgery

Here are more facts about plication

  • The surgical management of curvature with the plication technique is a simple procedure using multiple-paired sutures placed through the full thickness of the Tunica Albuginea (TA)*.
  • During plication of your manhood, an artificial hardness is initiated from either injection of a saltwater solution or a selected medication. Then the outer skin of  your manhood is pulled back, your private part is straightened, and the excess tissue on what had been the outer side of the curve is cinched together by placing a series of stitches or “tucks.”
  • The final length of your manhood following surgery depends on the length of the shorter side before surgery, the side with the scarring from Peyronie's disease. As a result, most men will lose a few centimetres length. They may also complain about the under-skin stitches and loss of sensitivity during intimacy.
  • Some patients have reported a mild residual curvature after surgery while a number have reported penetration issues due to a severe persistent curvature and curvature recurrence.
  • Since 2006 there has been modified TA plication in use, known as the TAP procedure, where the TA is plicated in a vertical mattress fashion to bury the knots and several stitches are used to reinforce the plication. This technique also avoids circumcision and possible loss of numbness.

* The tunica albuginea is the fibrous envelope that extends the length of the corpora cavernosa (containing tissue) and corpus spongiosum (containing the male urethra). It is a bi-layered structure that includes an outer longitudinal layer and an inner circular layer.

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32 Beauchamp Place, 


11 Upper Ham Rd, 
Richmond Upon Thames, 
TW10 5LD




MansMatters are specialists in non-invasive, nonsurgical procedures. We do not offer surgery but have professional relationships with leading surgical urologists and andrologists who undertake different types of Peyronie's disease surgery. If you would like to know more about surgical options, then please click here.

Surgical Procedures




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