Surgical Procedures

Read about the different surgical procedures that MansMatters can recommend for Peyronie's Disease treatments.


Peyronie's Disease & Penile Implants

Has a urologist recommended a penile implant to help you overcome PD or ED and are worried about going under the surgeon's knife?   more  

Peyronie’s Disease & Plication

Are you suffering from Peyronie’s Disease (PD) and been recommended to have surgery for penile plication or a similar procedure called the Nesbitt Technique? If so, you may be worr...  more  

Peyronie’s Disease & Surgical Grafting

If you are concerned about going under the surgeon's knife to overcome Peyronie’s Disease (PD) and are looking at an effective alternative, you have arrived at the right place.   more  

Shortening Corporoplasty & Combined Plication-Incision

Learn about Shortening Corporoplasty & Combined Plication-Incision for Peyronie's Disease Treatment: Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives.  more