an elderly disabled man sitting in a park

Peyronie's Disease & Rare Conditions

While Lederhosen Disease and Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS) are both rare, if you suffer from them and have a bend in your penis, we recommend that you get in contact with us or carry on reading to find out more.





Ledderhose Disease

Ledderhose disease and Dupuytren's contracture are all related fibroproliferative disorders which are typified by abnormalities in connective tissue. With Peyronie's Disease this present itself with fibrous plaque on the penis, resulting in curved erections, with Dupuytren's disease, fingers start contracting and the cords thicken drawing the fingers towards the palm in a bent position.

With Ledderhose disease hard nodules start developing on the bottom of the feet. It is generally seen in middle-aged and elderly people and occurs in men about 10 times more often than in women. These hard nodules don't cause pain initially but become very painful over time.

The nodules are found along the plantar fascia of the feet. The plantar fascia is the ligament that runs underneath your feet, just below the skin and connect the heel to the front of the foot. 

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Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes

Some patients of Peyronie's disease also suffer Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS). This is another rare, often inherited, condition, that like Peyronie's disease effects the connective tissues.

Men with EDS have a 25 times higher rate of penile fractures compared to men without EDS.  The primary complications of EDS include very fragile skin that can break and bruise very easily, skin that stretched and an increased range of joint movement. These skin issues predispose patients to problems with wound healing. EDS is caused by gene mutations which make connective tissues weaker. 














32 Beauchamp Place, 


11 Upper Ham Rd, 
Richmond Upon Thames, 
TW10 5LD




MansMatters are specialists in non-invasive, nonsurgical procedures. We do not offer surgery but have professional relationships with leading surgical urologists and andrologists who undertake different types of Peyronie's disease surgery. If you would like to know more about surgical options, then please click here.

Surgical Procedures




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