a man suffering from pattern baldness looking at his hairline in a mirror

Peyronie's Disease and Hair Loss Treatment

Have you suddenly noticed a bend in your penis after using hair loss treatment? Don't be alarmed, we have a number of therapies that can help you overcome this. 





hair thinning highlighted on a man's scalp

Addressing Peyronie's Disease Secondary to Hair Loss Treatment

We have recently started to successfully treat patients who have suffered from Peyronie's Disease after taking hair loss treatment.

One of the most common side effects of one of the most popular hair treatment medications is “trouble getting and also keeping an erection”.


a grey-haired man looking at his receding hair line

The Side Effects of Hair Loss Treatment

Unfortunately, Google won't allow us to mention the brand of hair loss drug that we have treated - but it does contain a type II enzyme inhibitor prescribed to halt current hair loss in men suffering from thinning of the hair line. It is a prescription only drug but can be easily purchased from online stores.

Additionally, this drug is often prescribed for men who are undergoing or have undergone a hair transplant to stop their body rejecting their new hair growth.

Many other side-effects other than PD have also been reported and these, together with PD, are covered by a foundation created to raise awareness of these issues which can be found here.





a close-up of a man's thinning hair

Other worrying side-effects

There are several other sexual issues other than PD caused by this hair treatment drug including Erectile Dysfunction, loss of libido, the ability to orgasm and smaller volumes of semen creation. Other side effects include burning sensation in the nipples, development of male breasts, low energy, and tiredness.

A study undertaken by Center for Andrology and the Division of Endocrinology at the George Washington University monitored 54 men with an average age of 31, who had taken the drug for three months or more and who experienced sexual side effects. They had all been healthy at the start of the study and not had any previous problems with sexual function.




a man observing his receding hair line

Navigating Potential Side Effects of Hair Loss Treatment

While hair transplant clinics are aware of the issue you should acquaint yourself with the side-affects before embarking on any hair loss treatment or treatment for Alopecia. One solution is to undertake a pro-active approach and have Shockwave erectile dysfunction therapy before starting on hair loss treatment. In this way it is possible to build up muscle resistance and manage the condition through the hair treatment.

The manufacturer of the drug is continuing to face legal action regarding the possible link between it and Peyronie's Disease. More than 1,000 men have filed lawsuits. Warnings about possible side effects are now included in all packages of the drug and you should heed these warnings with care before embarking on treatment.














32 Beauchamp Place, 


11 Upper Ham Rd, 
Richmond Upon Thames, 
TW10 5LD




MansMatters are specialists in non-invasive, nonsurgical procedures. We do not offer surgery but have professional relationships with leading surgical urologists and andrologists who undertake different types of Peyronie's disease surgery. If you would like to know more about surgical options, then please click here.

Surgical Procedures




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