an older man wearing a white face mask outside

Peyronie's Disease & COVID-19 

Research into Peyronie's Disease (PD) and the effects of COVID on it are on-going. However, a number of men have approached us who have had Covid and reported problems with a bent penis after it. We have been able to help them overcome their problem, allowing them to resume a normal sex life without pain or embarrassment.





 closeup of the coronavirus disease particles

Exploring the Potential Link Between Covid-19 & Erectile Function

Research published in August 2021 indicated the ability of Covid to invade endothelial cells and cause systemic inflammation, and that men reporting to a clinic suffering from Peyronie's Disease should be asked about their history of COVID-19 infections while being diagnosed.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is often linked with Peyronie's Disease and studies have shown an approximate 20% increase in the incidence of ED and the difficulties in achieving an erection in men who have had COVID-19 compared to men who have not.


 a man sitting at a table in a kitchen looking at a laptop with a pen in hand

Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on Male Reproductive Health

Furthermore, some studies have revealed that coronavirus can cause damage to the testicles, testicular pain or swelling, reduced libido and problems achieving orgasm. Reduced testosterone levels have been found in Long COVID sufferers as well as some urinary problems.






Please watch our short video about Covid-19 and Men's Sexual Health.

As mentioned above, research has shown that there are links between Covid-19 and erectile dysfunction (ED). This, together, with several anecdotal accounts suggest that growing numbers of men afflicted by Covid-19 are complaining about the condition.

It may be that inflamed blood vessels in the body triggered by Covid are causing ED in some male patients after they have recovered from the virus.


What does the research say?

  • Speaking to the LA Times, Ryan Berglund, a urologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, said he had seen anecdotal evidence of the condition in those who had been infected with the virus. He thought that ED could occur from Covid-19 in a similar way to inflammation of the heart muscle, or myocarditis. “The blood vessels themselves that can become inflamed, which could cause an obstructive phenomenon and negatively impact the ability to get erections”, he said.
  • A survey by the University of Rome reviewed in the journal Andrology in 2021 found the prevalence of erectile dysfunction among 100 sexually active men was significantly higher, at 28 per cent, among the 25 who had tested positive for the virus, compared with the 75 who had not, at 9.33 per cent. The researchers said that their results are highly suggestive of the role of the infection in the development of the sexual dysfunction and of the possible clinical relevance of COVID-19 as an additional risk factor for the development of ED.
  • Research published in the World Journal of Men's Health suggested there was a difference in the composition of bodily tissue among those who had contracted the disease and those who had not.
  • Ranjith Ramasamy, director of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine's reproductive urology programme, who led the pilot study, said ED was one possible “adverse effect of the virus”.
  • Researchers found that “men who previously did not complain of ED developed pretty severe ED after the onset of Covid-19 infection.” However, the sample was small, it only looked at four men – two who had been infected with the virus and two who had not.
  • Emmanuele Jannini, professor of endocrinology and medical sexology at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in Italy, has also argued that ED may be a symptom of long Covid.
  • In a scientific article published in July co-authored by Mr Jannini, he and a group of Italian scientists said erectile dysfunction was a “likely consequence of Covid-19 for survivors and considering the high transmissibility of the infection and the higher contagion rates among elderly men, a worrying phenomenon for a large part of affected patients”.
  • The study concluded that future research was needed to establish how Covid might lead to ED before a definitive link can be established.

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a group of people wearing face masks walking down a street

COVID-19 and blood flow

COVID-19 effects the vascular system (system that carries blood, pumped by the heart throughout the body) - Erectile dysfunction is often a predictor of heart disease, so both the vascular system and problems with the male reproductive system are connected.  COVID-19 can also cause hyperinflammation in men effecting the heart and adjacent muscles, affecting the blood supply to the penis. This is crucial if a man is to achieve and maintain an erection.

In fact, over 20 times the normal amount of blood needs to flow into the penis.


 a stressed man holding his head with both hands

The psychological link

Successful intercourse is not just based on the vascular system - it is also psychological. 

Impulses from our brain that travel via the central nervous system and tell our body to get aroused. An analogy would be a motor car. You need to turn the key or press a button to switch the ignition on (our brain) and make the fuel flow to the engine to make the car move (the blood).  The central nervous system controls our sense of smell and taste, which are all symptoms of COVID-19. Future studies will show if there are any longer-term impacts to the Central nervous system. Another psychological impact is depression and the impacts of long-term social distancing and lockdowns have yet to be fully understood on people's mental health.

People suffering conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease are far more vulnerable to Coronavirus.  These conditions are strongly correlated to suffering erectile dysfunction and Peyronie's disease. The medical community is at the very early stages of understanding what long-term complications COVID-19 can cause as currently medical resources are geared towards prevention, vaccination and saving lives.

In the future it will become much clearer what long-term complications will occur in people that previously had good health and are now suffering ED and PD.

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If you think you have Peyronie's Disease from COVID-19, what can you do about it?

Initially, you should speak to your GP and perhaps consult a urologist. At MansMatters we have treated hundreds of men suffering from Peyronie's Disease & ED with a combination of unique treatments allowing them renewed sexual energy and strong erections.















32 Beauchamp Place, 


11 Upper Ham Rd, 
Richmond Upon Thames, 
TW10 5LD




MansMatters are specialists in non-invasive, nonsurgical procedures. We do not offer surgery but have professional relationships with leading surgical urologists and andrologists who undertake different types of Peyronie's disease surgery. If you would like to know more about surgical options, then please click here.

Surgical Procedures




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