a man sat on the edge of a bed disappointed with a withdrawn woman laying on the other side

Peyronie's Disease & Paget's Disease of the Bone

Does your partner suffer from Peyronie's Disease (PD) and is this inhibiting your sex life and/or causing you pain? Numerous partners of men with PD contact us to find out how their man can be helped.





a man sitting on the edge of a bed annoyed with a judging woman bed in the background

Understanding the Impact of Peyronie's Disease (PD) on Partners

The partners of Peyronie's Disease (PD) patients often suffer from decreased sexual desire, sexual satisfaction, and mood issues.

Some partners suffer pain during penetration especially if their partner has severe Penile Curvature (PC). However, many men with PD are concerned about hurting their female partner and are often reluctant to share their feelings and thoughts related to the disease. The partner often reciprocates this reluctance in sharing their feelings.

Consequently, couples can get less intimate and more distant with one another.

Dealing with this is covered on our page about Peyronie's Disease & Psychosexual Therapy.





 a couple holding hands in a therapy session

Detecting Peyronie's Disease in Paget's Disease Patients

Consequently, couples can get less intimate and more distant with one another.

Dealing with this is covered on our page about Peyronie's Disease & Psychosexual Therapy.

Partners and couples should ideally be given help around the time of PD diagnosis. Partners should be encouraged to talk this through with one another so that there is an understanding of singular or mutual pain and embarrassment.

It is usually sensible if sexual intercourse is avoided until pain reduces during PD treatment and that couples concentrate on maintaining and improving intimacy.














32 Beauchamp Place, 


11 Upper Ham Rd, 
Richmond Upon Thames, 
TW10 5LD




MansMatters are specialists in non-invasive, nonsurgical procedures. We do not offer surgery but have professional relationships with leading surgical urologists and andrologists who undertake different types of Peyronie's disease surgery. If you would like to know more about surgical options, then please click here.

Surgical Procedures




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